Contact Us

In this section we give you the means by which you may contact members of CABS, individually or collectively.

List Serve

CABS invites you to subscribe to our list serve, where you will be able to connect with other blind students and be kept up-to-date on the fun and exciting things that are happening with CABS. Click Here to Subscribe

Through the form

You may also send comments or questions via our web form.

Board Members

Below is a listing of all the CABS Board Members. Please take a moment and get to know each one of us personally.

A huge thanks:

CABS would like to sincerely thank Deepa Goraya for her hard work and dedication while serving as president for the past two years. Deepa will be attending law school out of state, and has graciously stepped down as president. Deepa we'll miss you, and we wish you all the best in all your future endeavors.

Now follows a table with the contact information of the current board members as of the 2009 CABS convention meeting.

Members of the board
Name Position Email
Angela Fowler president
Aziza Cano first vice president
Pam Chase second vice president
Justin Harford secretary
Melissa Haney treasurer
Hani Nasser first board member at large
Kammie Dibble second board member at large