Re: Screen Review Evaluations

Date: Wed Feb 23 1994 - 11:09:59 PST

I wrote Greg a reply, which I meant to send to the rest of
the list, but slipped and mis-addressed it.
Basically I told him, outSpoken is on the list,
it just isn't listed for the Mac.
At the R&D meeting, held in late January, we decided
not to review Windows products this year. We hope to do it
by next year. There are a number of reasons for this.
First, not all the products are out yet, JAWS, ASAP, Vocal-Eyes,
outSpoken ...
Secondly, the market is still evolving and changing rapidly.
Thirdly, we don't have the manpower to do all the necessary reviews
and I can't do them myself. I don't have the time.
Most users are still playing and dabbling with Windows, not using it regularly.
Yes, we are doing OS/2 with SRD/2. We have a good
member to do it, and it has been out a while and is stable and reliable.
You, Greg, may think this is arbitrary and unfair, and
maybe it is. If the R&D Chairman, or a
majority of the committee feels we should drop OS/2, we can, but
otherwise I plan on going ahead with it.
Wefully intend to tackle windows products, it just seems too early
now and I don't have a good way to do it.
Hope this makes sense.
David Andrews

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