Re: Zurita's Request

From: Bill Gerrey (
Date: Mon Jan 15 1996 - 09:02:50 PST

Regarding an infrared gizmo in the hands of the user:

The "Consumer Electronics Bus" (CEBus) being promoted by the Consumer Division of the Electronics Industries Association) could do all that we need. We need to petition George Hanover of their "Consumer group" to insist on the following language:

All display information must be available (sent back to user devices) in a text-based form.

Smith-Kettlewell has been banging these drums and "symbols" for years.

The CEBus affords an infrared link, an RF link, a "twisted-pair" link, and a link through the power line (presumably RF as well). We should take it over and make hay with it.

Bill Gerrey

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