Jim Willows Update

From: Bryan Bashin (bashin@calweb.com)
Date: Sun Sep 01 1996 - 23:43:25 PDT

  As many readers of this list know, NFB of California President Jim
 Willows two weeks ago suffered a sudden ruptured aneurism in an abdominal
 vein, for which he was rushed to hospital.
His wife Mary is pleased to report that Jim has successfully been taken
off the ventilator and is now beginning to walk a bit around his new
hospital room, as he is now out of intensive care.

Among his first words after the ventilator tube was removed was, "Mary,
where did they put my wallet?"

As Jim's spirit and humor returns, he'll have to tone up from two weeks
of bedrest. So sometime early next week he'll probably do a bit of
physical therapy out of the hospital before being returned to home and

Doctors report that the good news is that the aneurism is repaired, his
fever is gone, and he has managed to head off infection. What's more, his
affectionate and warm personality are there again. He's already resumed
work on California's state convention, due to be held in Oakland on
October 31-November 3rd.
  His wife Mary requests that people not send flowers or packages to
 Pleasanton's Valley Care Hospital. Rather, she says that Jim would
 be heartened to recieve personal notes or cassettes mailed to his
 home address, 3934 Kern Court, Pleasanton, California, 94588-4428.
 She will take the cards and casettes to the hospital and play them next
 Additionally, after he returns home, Jim would be happy to reply to
 everyone's e-mail get-well wishes. His e-mail address is

Jim has read the amazing list of the hundreds of people who have e-mailed
get-well wishes and he says he is profoundly touched. Your messages have
given him a big lift just when he needed it.
  During Jim's hospitalization, people with business with the NFB of
  California should contact First Vice-President Donovan Cooper at
  (818) 845-4609. NFB of California Treasurer Nick Medina may also be
  reached at (510) 674-9393 for additional assistance.
 Watch this space for periodic postings on Jim Willows' recovery.

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