2009 State Convention Audios
Below you will find recordings from our 2009 state convention held in Newark from October 22, through October 25.
These files will work with any MP3 playing software or hardware. For Microsoft Windows, Windows Media Player or Winamp will work. For Linux or other Unix-like operating systems, you can use mpg123, mpg321, mplayer, or a variety of other tools. Or, download these files and listen to them on your portable MP3 player. Enjoy, and thank you for listening.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Saturday morning, October 24, 2009
- Invocation - Era Trice
- Welcome from the City of Fremont - Anu Natarajan, Vice Mayor, Fremont California
- National Report - Marc Maurer, President National Federation of the Blind
- Honoring our Blinded Veterans, the NFB and the Veteran's Administration in Partnership - Ron Gardner
- Disability Rights Advocacy
- NFB Centers - Brent Batron, Colorado Center for the Blind, Jennith Lucas, Blind Inc. and Bruce Sexton, Louisiana Center for the Blind
- The California Braille and Talking Book Library - Mike Marlin
- Newsline for the Blind - Jason Holloway
- Presidential Report - Mary Willows, President of the NFB of California
Saturday afternoon, October 24, 2009
- The NFB and the Department of Justice - Maze Basrawi
- Ever Lee Hairston
- NFB Youth Slam - Bryan Bashin
- What's happening with the Commission of Schools for the Blind - Dr. Stuart Wittenstein
- News from the Department of Education - Linda Wyatt
- News from the Department of Rehabilitation - Tony Candela
- The NFB and Technological Access
Banquet 2009
- Banquet Introduction - Ever Lee Hairston
- Keynote Address - President Marc Maurer
- Scholarships - Patricia Monson
- Monterey County Chapter Charter
Sunday, October 25, 2009