2011 State Convention Audios
Below you will find recordings from our 2011 state convention held in Newark from October 13, through October 16.
These files will work with any MP3 playing software or hardware. For Microsoft Windows, Windows Media Player or Winamp will work. For Linux or other Unix-like operating systems, you can use mpg123, mpg321, mplayer, or a variety of other tools. Or, download these files and listen to them on your portable MP3 player. Enjoy, and thank you for listening.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Saturday morning, October 15, 2011
- Opening and Invocation - Jeri Siqueiros
- The NFB Pledge - Jana Littrell
- Welcoming comments from Mayor Green - Mayor of Union City California
- National Report - Joe Ruffalo, President NFB of New Jersey
- Be Good, or Good At it - Belo Cipriani, author of: Blind: A Memoir
- Auction of Chapter gift baskets - Ever Lee Hairston
- Walk for Independence - Mary Willows
Saturday afternoon, October 15, 2011
- Presidential Report - Mary Willows, President, NFB of California
- Update on Library Services in California - Jane Glasby, Program Manager, Library for the Blind and Disabled, San Francisco, California
- Philosophy: the NFB in our daily lives - Jana Littrell
- The History of Assistive Technology - James Barbour
- There's an app for that - Peter Cantisani
- The Junior Blind of America and the NFB of California - Richard Reweda
- California Chemistry Camp - Hoby Wedler
- NFB Youth Slam 2011 - Serena Olsen
- Department of Rehabilitation Blind Advisory Committee Report - Bryan Bashin and Joe Xavier
Banquet 2011
- Call to Order - Ever Lee Hairston
- Chapter Basket Auction #1
- Count of Who's been attending conventions and How Long they've been Attending them
- Chapter Basket Auction #2
- Keynote Address - Joe Ruffalo
- Scholarship Presentation - Karen Steele
- Drawings and closing ceremonies
Sunday, October 16, 2011
- Call to Order and Invocation - Rochelle Houston
- Elections
- Resolutions Report - Robert Stigile
- A Blind Travel Agent: Roxanne Stalling
- National Certification of Literary Braille - Lisamaria Martinez
- Auction of CABS Basket - Ever Lee Hairston
- Newsline for the Blind - Jason Holloway
- Final Words from the National Representative - Joe Ruffalo
- Financial Report - Melissa Haney
- Washington Seminar Report - Tiffany Manosh
- PAC Report - Geraldine Croom
- Why I'm A Federationist - Henry "Hoby" Wedler
- Final Drawings and close