2012 State Convention Audios
Below you will find recordings from our 2012 state convention held in El Segundo from October 18, through October 21.
These files will work with any MP3 playing software or hardware. For Microsoft Windows, Windows Media Player or Winamp will work. For Linux or other Unix-like operating systems, you can use mpg123, mpg321, mplayer, or a variety of other tools. Or, download these files and listen to them on your portable MP3 player. Enjoy, and thank you for listening.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
- 2012 NFB of California Resolutions
- From Resolutions to Legislation: How bills begin and end
- California Association of Blind Students 2012 Seminar
Saturday morning, October 20, 2012
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Opening Remarks from the Mayor, El Segundo - Mayor Carl Jacobson, Mayor of El Segundo California
- National Report - Mark Riccobono, Director, Jernigan Institute, Baltimore MD.
- Technology Civil Rights and Accessibility, Individual and Collective Action - Timothy Elder
- Becoming the Change - Anil Lewis
- Today's VR Environment from the Department of Rehavilitation - Joe Xavier
- Blind Blocks, a Pathway to the Past - Michael Hingson
- Blind Blocks, a Pathway to the Past - Michael Hingson
Saturday afternoon, October 20, 2012
- Presidential Report - Mary Willows
- BELL Comes to California: A Panel, Moderator: Kia Vaca
- Mrs. Whozit Discusses Philosophy - Janl Littrell
- The Battle for Equality Taking on Today's Barriers - Gabe Cazares
- Mrs. Whozit Discusses NFB Philosophy - Jana Littrell
- California Chemistry Camp - Henry (Hoby) Wedler
- Program Guidelines of the Service Delivery System - Mark Riccobono
- Fulfilling your Destiny and Purpose - Rick willison
Banquet 2012
- Welcome and Invocation - Ever lee Hairston and Rick Willison
- Prizes and Drawings
- Driving the Dream - Mark Riccobono
- Scholarship Awards - Henry (Hoby) Wedler
- Special Awards - Mary Willows
- New Chapter Charters - Mary Willows
Sunday, October 21, 2012