2013 State Convention Audios
Below you will find recordings from our 2013 state convention held in Sacramento from October 11, through October 13.
These files will work with any MP3 playing software or hardware. For Microsoft Windows, Windows Media Player or Winamp will work. For Linux or other Unix-like operating systems, you can use mpg123, mpg321, mplayer, or a variety of other tools. Or, download these files and listen to them on your portable MP3 player. Enjoy, and thank you for listening.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Saturday morning, October 12, 2013
- Opening and Invocation - President Mary Willows
- Welcoming Remarks from California Congressman Medina - Erika Kostas - Legislative Aid
- National Anthem - Rob Kaiser
- National Report - Cathy Jackson - Board member of the NFB
- PAC Report - Geraldine Croom
- Today's Rehabilitation Environment - Elena Gomez
- Ridesharing input to the Public Utilities Commission - Timothy Elder
- Welcoming Remarks from California Congressman Medina - Erika Kostas - Legislative Aid
Saturday afternoon, October 12, 2013
- Education for Blind Children - Dr. Linda Wyatt
- Braille Enrichment fo Learning and Literacy (BELL) - Kia Vaca
- Chemistry Camp 2013 - Henry (Hoby) Wedler
- Good Skills and Where to get them! - A Panel discussion
- Employed Blind People - A Panel Discussion
- Braille Enrichment fo Learning and Literacy (BELL) - Kia Vaca
Banquet 2013
- Opening Ceremony - Ever Lee Hairston
- Pathfinder Chapter basket - Dick Steel
- Banquet Address - Cathy Jackson
- Davis Canes and Tails Chapter Charter - Rick Watson
- Presentation of the California Hall of Fame Award - President Mary Willows
- Scholarships - Henry (Hoby) Wedler
- iPad Mini drawing - President Mary Willows
- Closing - Ever Lee Hairston
- Pathfinder Chapter basket - Dick Steel
Sunday, October 13, 2013
- Invocation - Cheryl Thurston
- Catch Our Dreams in Southern California - Cheryl Thurston
- 2014 State Convention - Ever Lee Hairston
- Elections
- White Cane Proclamation from Elk Grove - President Mary Willows
- NFB Philosophy - James Barbour
- Newsline For the Blind - Jason Holloway
- Why I am a Federationist - Rochelle Houston
- Financial Report - President Mary Willows
- Chapter Reports, reports and Closing
- Catch Our Dreams in Southern California - Cheryl Thurston