2017 State Convention Audios
Below you will find recordings from our 2017 state convention held in Milpitas from November 3, through November 5.
These files will work with any MP3 playing software or hardware. For Microsoft Windows, Windows Media Player or Winamp will work. For Linux or other Unix-like operating systems, you can use mpg123, mpg321, mplayer, or a variety of other tools. Or, download these files and listen to them on your portable MP3 player. Enjoy, and thank you for listening.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Saturday morning, November 4, 2017
- Opening Ceremonies, Invocation and Remarks - President Ever Lee Hairston
- National Report - Scott LaBarre
- News from Votecdesignedforall.com - John Metcalf
- BELL Academy, Northern California - Karen Steele and Carmen Weatherly
- Why I am a Federationist - Tim Elder, Tiffany Manosh and Rochelle Houston
- News from the California Braile and Talking Book Library - Mike Marlin
- My life as a Blind Professional - Robert Stigile, Shannon Dillon, Elizabeth Campos and Ahmet Ustunel
- NFB Philosophy Skit - Jana Litrelle
- Senior Division Skit
- Diabetes Action Network Skit
Saturday Luncheon, November 4, 2017
- The Tool of Technology - Christina Daniels
- News for Seniors - Ruth Sager
- News from the Diabetes Action Network - Joy Stigile
Saturday afternoon, November 4, 2017
- A Presentation for California Congressman Evan Lowe - Shanon Dillon
- Non-24 Presentation from Vanda Pharmaceuticals - Leslie McNeil
- President's Report - Ever Lee Hairston
- Round Table Round Up
Banquet 2017
- Opening Ceremony
- Banquet Keynote Address - Scott LaBarre
- An Airport Story - Bryan Bashin
- Reflections from Douglas Towne
- Scholarships - Jana Litrelle
- Closing remarks - Bryan Bashin and Ever Lee Hairston
Sunday, November 5, 2017