=== Disable Comments === Contributors: solarissmoke Donate link: http://www.rayofsolaris.net/donate/ Tags: comments, disable, global Requires at least: 4.1 Tested up to: 4.8 Stable tag: trunk Allows administrators to globally disable comments on their site. Comments can be disabled according to post type. Multisite friendly. Provides tool to delete all comments or according to post type. == Description == This plugin allows administrators to globally disable comments on any post type (posts, pages, attachments, etc.) so that these settings cannot be overridden for individual posts. It also removes all comment-related fields from edit and quick-edit screens. On multisite installations, it can be used to disable comments on the entire network. Additionally, comment-related items can be removed from the Dashboard, Widgets, the Admin Menu and the Admin Bar. **Important note**: Use this plugin if you don't want comments at all on your site (or on certain post types). Don't use it if you want to selectively disable comments on individual posts - WordPress lets you do that anyway. If you don't know how to disable comments on individual posts, there are instructions in [the FAQ](https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-comments/faq/). If you come across any bugs or have suggestions, please use the plugin support forum. I can't fix it if I don't know it's broken! Please check the [FAQ](https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-comments/faq/) for common issues. Want to contribute? Here's the [GitHub development repository](https://github.com/solarissmoke/disable-comments). A [must-use version](https://github.com/solarissmoke/disable-comments-mu) of the plugin is also available. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Nothing happens after I disable comments on all posts - comment forms still appear when I view my posts. = This is because your theme is not checking the comment status of posts in the correct way. You may like to point your theme's author to [this explanation](http://www.rayofsolaris.net/blog/2012/how-to-check-if-comments-are-allowed-in-wordpress/) of what they are doing wrong, and how to fix it. = How can I remove the text that says "comments are closed" at the bottom of articles where comments are disabled? = The plugin tries its very best to hide this (and any other comment-related) messages. If you still see the message, then it means your theme is overriding this behaviour, and you will have to edit its files manually to remove it. Two common approaches are to either delete or comment out the relevant lines in `wp-content/your-theme/comments.php`, or to add a declaration to `wp-content/your-theme/style.css` that hides the message from your visitors. In either case, make you you know what you are doing! = I only want to disable comments on certain posts, not globally. What do I do? = Don't install this plugin! Go to the edit page for the post you want to disable comments on. Scroll down to the "Discussion" box, where you will find the comment options for that post. If you don't see a "Discussion" box, then click on "Screen Options" at the top of your screen, and make sure the "Discussion" checkbox is checked. You can also bulk-edit the comment status of multiple posts from the [posts screen](https://codex.wordpress.org/Posts_Screen). = I want to delete comments from my database. What do I do? = Go to the settings page for the disable comments plugin and utlize the Delete Comments tool to delete all comments or according to the specified post types from your database. == Details == The plugin provides the option to **completely disable the commenting feature in WordPress**. When this option is selected, the following changes are made: * All "Comments" links are hidden from the Admin Menu and Admin Bar; * All comment-related sections ("Recent Comments", "Discussion" etc.) are hidden from the WordPress Dashboard; * All comment-related widgets are disabled (so your theme cannot use them); * The "Discussion" settings page is hidden; * All comment RSS/Atom feeds are disabled (and requests for these will be redirected to the parent post); * The X-Pingback HTTP header is removed from all pages; * Outgoing pingbacks are disabled. **Please delete any existing comments on your site before applying this setting, otherwise (depending on your theme) those comments may still be displayed to visitors. You can use the Delete Comments tool to delete any existing comments on your site.** == Advanced Configuration == Some of the plugin's behaviour can be modified by site administrators and plugin/theme developers through code: * Define `DISABLE_COMMENTS_REMOVE_COMMENTS_TEMPLATE` and set it to `false` to prevent the plugin from replacing the theme's comment template with an empty one. These definitions can be made either in your main `wp-config.php` or in your theme's `functions.php` file. == Changelog == = 1.7 = * Dropped logic to try and hide the comments link from the Meta widget. Administrators should manually add styling to hide this link, or replace the Meta widget with an alternative. * Removed the `disable_comments_allow_persistent_mode` filter. Define `DISABLE_COMMENTS_ALLOW_PERSISTENT_MODE` instead. = 1.6 = * Added a tool for deleting comments in bulk. = 1.5.2 = * Fix Javascript errors when the Meta widget is enabled. * Hide comments link from the Welcome panel. = 1.5.1 = * Hide existing comments if there are any. * Filter the comments link in the Meta widget if it is enabled. = 1.5 = * Remove the comments feed link from the head in WP 4.4 and higher. = 1.4.2 = * Delay loading of translation text domain until all plugins are loaded. This allows plugins to modify translations. = 1.4 = * Hide the troublesome "persistent mode" option for all sites where it is not in use. This option will be removed in a future release. = 1.3.2 = * Compatibility updates and code refactoring for WordPress 4.3 * Adding a few new translations = 1.3.1 = * Change the behaviour for comment feed requests. This removes a potential security issue. = 1.3 = * Move persistent mode filter into a define. * Add an advanced option to show the theme's comment template even when comments are disabled. = 1.2 = * Allow network administrators to disable comments on custom post types across the whole network. = 1.1.1 = * Fix PHP warning when active_sitewide_plugins option doesn't contain expected data type. = 1.1 = * Attempt to hide the comments template ("Comments are closed") whenever comments are disabled. = 1.0.4 = * Fix CSRF vulnerability in the admin. Thanks to dxw for responsible disclosure. = 1.0.3 = * Compatibility fix for WordPress 3.8 = 1.0.2 = * Disable comment-reply script for themes that don't check comment status properly. * Add French translation = 1.0.1 = * Fix issue with settings persistence in single-site installations. = 1.0 = * Prevent theme comments template from being displayed when comments are disabled everywhere. * Prevent direct access to comment admin pages when comments are disabled everywhere. = 0.9.2 = * Make persistent mode option filter available all the time. * Fix redirection for feed requests * Fix admin bar filtering in WP 3.6 = 0.9.1 = * Short life in the wild. = 0.9 = * Added gettext support and German translation. * Added links to GitHub development repo. * Allow network administrators to prevent the use of persistent mode. = 0.8 = * Remove X-Pingback header when comments are completely disabled. * Disable comment feeds when comment are completely disabled. * Simplified settings page. = 0.7 = * Now supports Network Activation - disable comments on your entire multi-site network. * Simplified settings page. = 0.6 = * Add "persistent mode" to deal with themes that don't use filterable comment status checking. = 0.5 = * Allow temporary disabling of comments site-wide by ensuring that original comment statuses are not overwritten when a post is edited. = 0.4 = * Added the option to disable the Recent Comments template widget. * Bugfix: don't show admin messages to users who don't can't do anything about them. = 0.3.5 = * Bugfix: Other admin menu items could inadvertently be hidden when 'Remove the "Comments" link from the Admin Menu' was selected. = 0.3.4 = * Bugfix: A typo on the settings page meant that the submit button went missing on some browsers. Thanks to Wojtek for reporting this. = 0.3.3 = * Bugfix: Custom post types which don't support comments shouldn't appear on the settings page * Add warning notice to Discussion settings when comments are disabled = 0.3.2 = * Bugfix: Some dashboard items were incorrectly hidden in multisite = 0.3.1 = * Compatibility fix for WordPress 3.3 = 0.3 = * Added the ability to remove links to comment admin pages from the Dashboard, Admin Bar and Admin Menu = 0.2.1 = * Usability improvements to help first-time users configure the plugin. = 0.2 = * Bugfix: Make sure pingbacks are also prevented when comments are disabled. == Installation == 1. Upload the plugin folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. The plugin settings can be accessed via the 'Settings' menu in the administration area (either your site administration for single-site installs, or your network administration for network installs).