=== Manual Image Crop === Contributors: tomasz.sita Tags: crop, cropping, thumbnail, featured image, gallery, images, picture, image, image area Tested up to: 4.3 Requires at least: 3.5 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WB5ZQWGUM7T96 Stable tag: 1.12 Plugin allows you to manually crop all the image sizes registered in your WordPress theme (in particular featured image). == Description == Plugin allows you to manually crop all the image sizes registered in your WordPress theme (in particular featured image). Simply click on the "Crop" link next to any image in your media library. The "lightbox" style interface will be brought up and you are ready to go. Whole cropping process is really intuitive and simple. Apart from media library list, the plugin adds links in few more places: * Below featured image box ("Crop featured image") * In the media insert modal window (once you select an image) = Enjoying using Manual Image Crop? = [Donate the plugin here](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WB5ZQWGUM7T96 "Donate") Thank you! = GitHub Repository = https://github.com/tomaszsita/wp-manual-image-crop = Translations = * Dutch (Bernardo Hulsman) * French (Gabriel FĂ©ron) * German (Bertram Greenhough) * Hungarian (Roland Kal) * Italian (Alessandro Curci) * Polish (myself) * Russian (Andrey Hohlov) * Spanish (Andrew Kurtis) * Swedish (Karl Oskar Mattsson) Please contact me if you want to add a translation (or submit a pull request on GitHub) == Installation == = Manually: = * Upload `manual-image-crop` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory * Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress = Automatically: = * Navigate to the 'Plugins' menu inside of the wordpress wp-admin dashboard, and select AD NEW * Search for 'Manual Imag Crop', and click install * When the plugin has been installed, Click 'Activate' == Changelog == = 1.12 = * Fixed 'streched images' issue = 1.11 = * Hungarian translation added * Swedish translation added * Security improvements = 1.10 = * Fixed handling of array $crop param = 1.09 = * Dutch translation added * Better error handling * Fixed overwriting of previously saved crops * Minor tweaks all around = 1.08 = * More descriptive error messages * Russian translation added * Hooked 'Crop' link to new media library layout (WP 4.0) * A few minor edits = 1.07 = * Fixed 'Cannot use string offset as an array' error = 1.06 = * French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish translations added * Settings page added (quality, visibility, custom labels) * Compatibility with Retina/HiDPI (@2x) plugin added * Fixed issue with closing editor window from within media uploader screen = 1.05 = * WordPress 3.9 compatibility issues fixed * Removed randomly floated 'Maximum upload file size' = 1.04 = * Added remembering of the previously selected area after cropping the specific image size * Fixed the "wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly" warning in the WP debug mode = 1.03 = * Fixed the issue with overwriting the original image when cropping image size registered after the attachment had been uploaded = 1.02 = * Fixed HTTP Authentication no preview issue * Fixed path issues on multisite/subfolder WP installations = 1.01 = * Fixed Chrome stretched image issue * Improved compatibility with other plugins using 'thickbox' = 1.0 = * Initial version