The Unix Book transfer Utility (UBT) is a tool for indexing and transfering text files and MP3 files to the Book Courier from Springer Design and the Book Port from American Printing House for the Blind. As the name implies, it runs only under Unix or Linux, and is designed to fill in the gap for those of us who would like to use the book readers, but who prefer to work in a Unix-like environment.

This tool is in no way meant to replace those provided by Springer and APH, respectively, and, in fact, neither Springer Design or American Printing House for the Blind support this tool in any way.

This tool was written by volunteers, is supported by volunteers by means of the mailing list, see below, and is provided "as is" with no warranties, either explicit or implied. See the links below for licensing details. the summary of the license is that you can do what ever you want withthis tool, as long as you give me credit in any works that include this work, as specified by the license, and that you not blame me, Springer Design, or the American Printing House for the Blind for anything that goes wrong while using this tool.

This tool is known to work under the following operating systems:

Porting to other Unix-Like operating systems should be fairly easy, and although the index files UBT produces are little endian, it is aware of the endianness of processors, and should do the right thing without much work.

Having said all that, I hope you find this tool useful and that you'll let me know, by joining the mailing list, how much you appreciate it.

See the table of contents below for links to the mailing list, the README file, and the software itself.

Brian Buhrow, June 19, 2006

