Published Works
Non Fiction, most as Gerald D. Nordley
(Partial list: see also "downloads" and "Speculations"):
"Space-Based Nuclear Microwave-Electric Propulsion" (refereed
paper, Space Nuclear Power Systems, Vol. 5, Orbit Books, Malabar
FL, 1987)
"Air Force Antimatter Technology Program" (review paper,
Intense Positron Beams, World Scientific, Singapore, 1988)
"Propellant Payoff from a Classical Perspective" (in Proceedings of the High Energy Density Matter Conference, 12-15 March 1989 (tutorial, AL-CP-89-002, Astronautics Lab., Edwards AFB CA, July 89)
"Application of Antimatter-Electric Power to Interstellar Propulsion" (refereed paper, JBIS 43-6, June 90)
"System Issuesin Antimatter Energy Conversion" (refereed paper, Space Nuclear Power Systems, Vol.10, Orbit Books, Malabar FL, 92)
"Relativistic Particle Beams for Interstellar Propulsion" (refereed paper, JBIS, 46-4, April 1993)
"Two-Way EML and Particle Beam Propulsion" (presentation, in JPL D-10673: Proceedings of the NASA/OAST Fourth Advanced Space Propulsion Workshop April 5-7 1993, Frisbee, R.H. ed.1993)Adobe Acrobat Reader
"Quantized Surface Gravity?!" (article, Analog, March 1994)
"Do BoombaCount?" (guest editorial, Analog, Feb 1994)
"Stationkeeping with Two-Way EML" (refereed technical note. JPP 10-6, AIAA,
Nov-Dec 1994)
"Fuzzy Logic" (book review, Mindsparks ( 1995?)
"Worlds of Air and Lightness" (article, Speculations ,Feb & Apr 1996)
"Surface Gravity and Interstellar Settlement" (paper, Proceedings of Contact XII, Feb 1996)
Adobe Acrobat Reader
"The Graphic Demise of FTL"
(article, Speculations ,Feb 1997)
"Lightspeed Universe"
(article, Speculations ,1997)
"Trimus, A Case History in SF Worldbuilding" (paper, Proceedings of Contact XIII Feb, 1997)
"Biological Hazards in Space" (article with Dr. Henry Stratmann, Analog,Apr 1998)
"Medical Care in Space" (article with Dr. Henry Stratmann, Analog,
May 1998)
"Beamriders" (article, Analog, July/Aug 1999)
"Mars-Earth Rapid Interplanetary Tether Transport" (refereed paper with Dr. R.L.Forward, AIAA/JPP 2001)
"Tether-Tossed Mars Mission Examples" (preprint, AIAA 1001-3375, Joint Propulsion Conference, Salt Lake City, 8-11 July 2001)
"Interstellar Probes Propelled by Self-steering Momentum Transfer Particles" (preprint, IAA-01-IAA.4.1.05, 52nd International Astronautical Congress, Toulouse, France, 1-5 Oct 2001)
"Engines for the High Fronteir" Lightspeed Magazine Sept. 2010)
"Mass Beam Propulsion: An Overview" (refereed paper with Adam Crowl, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society Vol 68 no. 5/6 May/June 2015)