From: Brian Buhrow (buhrow@lothlorien.nfbcal.org)
Date: Wed Sep 06 1995 - 19:57:58 PDT

        Hello fellow researchers. I recently received this message asking me for
the details of the history of White Cane Safety Day. When I actually
thought about it, I realized that I didn't know much about the history of
White Can Safety Day. Would someone on this list who knows the answer in
more excrutiating detail care to enlighten me as to some of the details so
that I might learn as well as our friend abroad?

--- Forwarded mail from Brian Buhrow <buhrow@lothlorien.nfbcal.org>

>From buhrow Wed Sep 6 19:51:57 1995
Received: from localhost (buhrow@localhost) by lothlorien.nfbcal.org (8.6.4/8.6.4.nfbcal) id TAA24377; Wed, 6 Sep 1995 19:50:32 -0700
Message-Id: <199509070250.TAA24377@lothlorien.nfbcal.org>
From: buhrow@lothlorien.nfbcal.org (Brian Buhrow)
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 1995 19:50:32 -0700
In-Reply-To: Albert Toh SAVH <eureka@technet.sg>
       "Origin and Significance of White Cane Day" (Sep 6, 8:35pm)
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.3 5/22/91)
To: Albert Toh SAVH <eureka@technet.sg>
Subject: Re: Origin and Significance of White Cane Day
Cc: buhrow@lothlorien.nfbcal.org

        Hello Albert. The question you ask is a good one, and I will have to learn
the answer. I believe the reason White Cane day is celebrated in the
United States is because that is the day, in 1974 if I'm not mistaken, when
congress (the U.S. congress) passed the White Cane Safety bill and sent it
to the president to become law. Don't quote me on this one yet, though,
until I come up with a more authoritative answer. I'll be in touch soon
with the answer and some more references. Hope this helps get you started.
 I'm sorry I don't carry this information around in my head at the moment.

On Sep 6, 8:35pm, Albert Toh SAVH wrote:
} Subject: Origin and Significance of White Cane Day
} Hello Brian,
} I write to inquire if you could help me trace the origin and significance
} of White Cane Day. I know this day is celebrated on 15th October but as
} to how it originated, I am not so sure.
} If you know of any article I could lay my hands on, please do send me an
} e-mail telling me where I can get them. Or perhaps you could even send
} it to me!
} Many thanks in anticipation of your help!
} Regards,
} Albert Toh
} Communications Officer
} Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped
} 47, Toa Payoh Rise
} Singapore 1129
} Tel: +65 2514331
} Fax: +65 2537191
} e-mail: eureka@technet.sg
>-- End of excerpt from Albert Toh SAVH

--- End of forwarded message from Brian Buhrow <buhrow@lothlorien.nfbcal.org>

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