Re: Need help with learning nemeth code

From: Bill Gerrey (
Date: Thu Jan 02 1997 - 11:38:14 PST

As an old engineer, Cal. Poly, 1971, I can recommend two things:

Keep a copy of the print book handy, and when a symbol comes by which
is new to you, compare notes with a sighted math reader who can tell
you what it means.

Second, there is a Braille guide to the Code, mostly written for transcribers, from which you can study a rule of usage here and there;
mine was a 3-volume set from the American Printing House, (502) 895-2405
(I think that's right, but anyhow, they are listed in Louisville).

Don't bother "learning the Code"; figure it out as you go.

Bill Gerrey

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