Project Name:
Graphic Web Page Translator
The Problem:
Some web pages are inaccessible. The designers use images to tag links. An example is This page was created with FireWorks. A sighted person viewing the page sees letters and can easily click on the links. Screen readers can only report the presence of an image for the various links. A way is needed for blind users to be able to work affectively with such pages.
Design Challenge:
Create software that either integrates with screen readers such as JAWS and Window-Eyes or act as a plugin to Internet Explorer. In operation, the user when encountering an inaccessible page would use a keyboard command to translate the page. The software would read the code, use OCR to convert images to text, and then redirect the user to the translated page. The user would then interact with the newly created page in the normal manner. Optionally, translated pages could be cached along with the original pages for future reference.
Design Parameters:
The software must either work with existing screen readers as an add-on, or integrate with Internet Explorer as a plugin. When possible existing OCR software packages should be used for image conversion whenever possible.
For Further Information Contact:
Name Robert Jaquiss
Phone(s) 318-396-1853
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