(no subject)

From: T. V. Cranmer (tvc@iglou.com)
Date: Sun Sep 18 1994 - 05:57:00 PDT

To: Members And Friends
          NFB R&D Committee

From: T. V. Cranmer, Chairman
Subject: Scientific Calculator
Date: September 18, 1994

My experience with the Ultimate Calculator jibes with Abe's
observations on the subject. I have tested most of the functions
and find the performance to be flawless. Unfortunately, the
graphing feature probably won't be of any use to us. I say this
because my attempts to contact the author have been unsuccessful--I
have sent mail to two of his addresses.

This means that we are back to square one of the project to produce
a programmable scientific calculator with tactile graphic
capability. Maybe I should say that we are on square two, since
Abe has done the early study of an approach that he will take to
extend the NFB Calculator (which he wrote and gave to NFB) to make
it programmable.

I might add that I see little justification for increasing the
precision of NFBCALC; it already far exceeds practical
requirements. Now if we can improve the resolution of Braille
graphics, that's a different matter.

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