In response to the forwarded message from Judy Dixon, I have a copy of the
Neemeth Braille code 1972 revision. There are in that book representations of
numerals and letters. It was very enlightening to find out that the script
versions of the letters are very different from the Seriff and sanseriff
versions. This was quite a revelation to me since my teachers always talked
about large and small letters. I thought small letters were small versions
of their capitalized versions. As for a reference book, this would be a good
Since many fonts are available on a post script printer I think we can try using
some capsule paper
to get some sample letters to feel. I have some capsule paper and a machine
so it will be interesting to feel the difference between bold, italic and underline
letters. As a print reference try looking for a catalog of type wheel or
ball elements. The catalog entries show the fonts produced by the wheels.
Robert Jaquiss
Internet: robertj@tekgen.bv.tek.com
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